489 項結果,共 49 頁

格式: 英文書
項目: No!
著者: Marta Altes
內容: this is the story of a likable, well-meaning and irrepressible dog and the mystery surrounding his name. Simple, short a...


著者:Marta Altes發行商: 英格蘭: Childs Play, 2011
主題:English fiction語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:Children's story; Dog
格式: 英文書
項目: Stanley's the builder
著者: Williambee
內容: What a job for Stanley - he's building a house for his friend, Myrtle. He will need his digger and his bulldozer and his...

Stanley's the builder

著者:Williambee發行商: 英格蘭: Jonathan Cape, 2014
主題:English fiction語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:Children's story; Occupation
格式: 英文書
項目: Stanley's the postman
著者: Williambee
內容: It's still dark outside, but the lights are on in Stanley's Post Office. What a lot of letters and parcels Stanley has t...

Stanley's the postman

著者:Williambee發行商: 英格蘭: Jonathan Cape, 2019
主題:English fiction語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:Children's story; Occupation
格式: 英文書
項目: Stanley's school
著者: Williambee
內容: It's another busy day for Stanley and friends. At Stanley's School, Little Woo, Sophie and Benjamin enjoy story time, pl...

Stanley's school

著者:Williambee發行商: 英格蘭: Jonathan Cape, 2018
主題:English fiction語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:Children's story; Occupation
格式: 英文書
項目: Stanley's shop
著者: Williambee
內容: Time to open Stanley's shop!
But will everyone get what they nee?

It's another busy day for Stanley and ...

Stanley's shop

著者:Williambee發行商: 英格蘭: Jonathan Cape, 2017
主題:English fiction語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:Children's story; Occupation
格式: 英文書
項目: Are you there little tiger?
著者: Essi Kimpimaki
內容: Little tiger is hiding! Very young children will love peeping through the holes and touching the textured pages in this ...

Are you there little tiger?

著者:Essi Kimpimaki發行商: 英格蘭: Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2019
主題:English fiction語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:Children's story; Hide&See
格式: 英文書
項目: Are you there little bunny?
著者: Emily Dove
內容: Little bunny is hiding! Very young children will love peeping through the holes and touching the textured pages in this ...

Are you there little bunny?

著者:Emily Dove發行商: 英格蘭: Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2018
主題:English fiction語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:Children's story; Hide&See
格式: 英文書
項目: Are you there little unicorn?
著者: Sarah Allen
內容: Little unicorn is hiding! Very young children will love peeping through the holes and touching the textured pages in thi...

Are you there little unicorn?

著者:Sarah Allen發行商: 英格蘭: Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2019
主題:English fiction語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:Children's story; Hide&See
格式: 英文書
項目: Are you there little elephant?
著者: Sam Taplin
內容: Little elephant is hiding! Very young children will love peeping through the holes and touching the textured pages in th...

Are you there little elephant?

著者:Sam Taplin發行商: 英格蘭: Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2017
主題:English fiction語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:Children's story; Hide&See
格式: 英文書
項目: Spot's New Friend
著者: Eric Hill
內容: For the first time ever, Spot is setting off on some special Australian adventures, meeting new friends and learning new...

Spot's New Friend

著者:Eric Hill發行商: 英格蘭: PUFFIN BOOKS, 2018
主題:English fiction語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:Children's story; Australia

489 項結果,共 49 頁

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