1397 項結果,共 140 頁

格式: 英文書
項目: My first word book about food
著者: Marta Cabrol
內容: Little children need to learn a huge amount of vocabulary before they start to read, and one of the best ways in which t...

My first word book about food

著者:Marta Cabrol發行商: 英格蘭: Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2016
格式: 英文書搜索字符:vocabulary; food; cooking
格式: 英文書
項目: My first word book about me
著者: Marta Cabrol
內容: Over 250 words relating to the body and the movements it makes, the clothes children wear and the world around them. You...

My first word book about me

著者:Marta Cabrol發行商: 英格蘭: Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2015
格式: 英文書搜索字符:vocabulary
格式: 圖書
項目: Questions and answers about food
著者: Katie Daynes
內容: Food, glorious food! We all like to eat it, but how much do we really know about the food we consume every day? This fan...

Questions and answers about food

著者:Katie Daynes發行商: 英格蘭: Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2016
主題:Food & Drink語言:英文
格式: 圖書搜索字符:Food
格式: 玩具書
項目: Let's bake a cake
著者: Anne-Sophie Baumannn
內容: A recipe for playtime fun!
Pull the tabs, lift the flaps, bake the cake! Start with innovative tabs that move in e...

Let's bake a cake

著者:Anne-Sophie Baumannn發行商: 法國: Tourbillon, 2015
主題:Food & Drink語言:英文
格式: 玩具書搜索字符:cooking; baking; cake
格式: 英文書
項目: Homes
著者: Xavier Deneux
內容: Offer the youngest learners an opportunity to explore in a hands-on. Seeing the image, tracing its shape, saying its nam...


著者:Xavier Deneux發行商: 美國: Chronicle Books LLC., 2016
格式: 英文書搜索字符:concept; touch and feel book
格式: 英文書
項目: Baby animals
著者: Xavier Deneux
內容: Growing words-expanding worlds
Word clusters to spark a lifelong conversation of discovery.

Baby animals

著者:Xavier Deneux發行商: 美國: Chronicle Books LLC., 2016
格式: 英文書搜索字符:concept; touch and feel book
狀態:借出中 ( 預定歸還日期︰2025-01-16 )
格式: 英文書
項目: Shapes
著者: Xavier Deneux
內容: Circle, Square, Triangle, Spiral...
a Shapes concept book unlike any other.
Early learning with a new dimensio...


著者:Xavier Deneux發行商: 美國: Chronicle Books LLC., 2012
格式: 英文書搜索字符:concept; touch and feel book
格式: 英文書
項目: Best friends
著者: Peppa pig TV series
內容: Best friends can be even better than muddy puddles!
Lift the flaps inside to discover all the pig family's best fri...

Best friends

著者:Peppa pig TV series發行商: 英格蘭: LADYBIRD BOOKS LTD, 2016
主題:English fiction語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:Peppa pig; friendship
格式: 英文書
項目: Who lives in the jungle?
著者: Kate Thomson
內容: Slide the tab or lift the flap to reveal the jungle animals appear.

Who lives in the jungle?

著者:Kate Thomson發行商: 英格蘭: TOP THAT! PUBLISHING PLC, 2014
主題:Specific Physiological systems in animals語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:wildlife; animal
格式: 英文書
項目: Who lives on safari?
著者: Eilidh Rose
內容: Slide the tab or lift the flap to reveal the safari animals appear.

Who lives on safari?

著者:Eilidh Rose發行商: 英格蘭: TOP THAT! PUBLISHING PLC, 2014
主題:Specific Physiological systems in animals語言:英文
格式: 英文書搜索字符:wildlife; animal

1397 項結果,共 140 頁

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